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Welcome, Anonymous
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Ban Details

Ban enabled: Expired
Player's name: Sir Lemons of Oldshire
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:28517267
Player's IP: Information hidden for expired/disabled bans
Banning admin: SOURCEOP
Server that generated ban:
Map being played: ctf_2fort
Reason: Autobalance avoidance
Ban time: 9/25/2010 3:11:01 EDT
Expiration time: 9/25/2010 3:16:01 EDT
Known aliases prior to ban: All your base are belong to me.
Boom boom i'm a boat
Haxton Sale
Haxwaffles are pretty good
Haxwaffles [dBs]
Hyperballer (No targe)
I don't sniper healers
Lemon is useless without targe
Lemon the enraged psycophat
Lemon the eternal
Lemon the eternal (team bonk)
Lemon the orphan maker
Lemon, bane of faggotry
Lemon, friend of bonk co.
Lemon, harvester of souls
Lemon, Harvester of souls (dBs)
Lemon, harvester of souls [Dbs]
Lemon, king of dispensers
Lemon, sniper assasin [dBs]
Lemons (No targe)
Lemons are fabiluz
Lemons are pretty good
Lemons are pretty good.
my milkshake is Chuck norris.
Rastakhan, King of trolls.
Shank the third (first!)
Sir Lemons of Oldshire
[dBs] Lemons are awsome
[dBs] Lemons are pretty good
[dBs] Lemons are pretty good.
[dBs] Vindicator
[dBs] [DesA] {Xeno}
{Xeno} Orange the eternal
Extra information: Player was balanced to team Blue but then switched to team Spectator 3.72 seconds later.

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