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Welcome, Anonymous
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Ban Details

Ban enabled: Expired
Player's name: Erect Penis
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20057870
Player's IP: Information hidden for expired/disabled bans
Banning admin: SOURCEOP
Server that generated ban:
Map being played: pl_goldrush
Reason: Kicked for being afk
Ban time: 5/27/2011 18:13:06 EDT
Expiration time: 5/27/2011 18:18:06 EDT
Known aliases prior to ban: Erect Penis
Funk is GAY
I'm Mother Fuckin Kenny Powers!
Ken's Bonk Juice
Ken's Bonk Juice (Team Dip)
Kimmy Gibbler
L-r | You cant psh cart uber nu
meat jesus
Meat Jesus (looking for ear bud
Meat Jesus (Team Dip)
Meat Jesus (Team hot carl)
Meat Jesus (Team Raep Idiot)
Meat Jesus (Team Wrangle)
Mother Fuckin Kenny Powers!
Rico's breast enlargement pills
You cant psh cart while ubr nub
[UNITY] Meat Jesus (Team Dip)
Extra information: Vote passed 24/33 (72%)
Started by: Kompanion Kube<484><STEAM_1:1:15142211><Red>

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