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Ban Details

Ban enabled: Expired
Player's name: Schmuddel (/mu/)
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31812766
Player's IP: Information hidden for expired/disabled bans
Banning admin: SOURCEOP
Server that generated ban:
Map being played: ctf_2fort
Reason: Autobalance avoidance
Ban time: 7/24/2011 15:53:24 EDT
Expiration time: 7/24/2011 15:58:24 EDT
Known aliases prior to ban: A complete jackass
A Fucking Snake
A man without a country
A Wild Kyogre
A Wild Medicham
Bees in your anus
Buy the fucking game, noob
Commander Shepard
Dr. Mawkin
Freaky Fred
Friendly Smoker
Fuck bronies
Grammar Nazi
Haunter, the Gas Pokémon
I didn't sign up for this shit
Kill Yourself
Lv. 55 Haunter
Lvl. 55 Haunter
Mr. Hornet
My penis is a fish
oF.Sedgewick Sable {♣}
Pros don't use explosives
Schmuddel (/mu/)
Sedgewick Sable ☢TAHH {♣}
The Owl Man
The Scout from 2007
Theodore Roosevelt
This game sucks
Useless Spycrab
Extra information: Player was balanced to team Blue but then switched to team Spectator 29.10 seconds later.

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