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SourceOP Install

Select installation method

Installation Wizard Download the SourceOP installer. Choose the normal installation mode if you want to install it to your Steam games. Choose advanced if you would like to install it somewhere else, such as a separate srcds installation. In normal mode you will be asked to type your steam username. This is so that the installation can chose the installation path for you. Type your username and click next. You will then be asked what mod you wish to install SourceOP to. Pick your choice and click next. The installer will then automatically pick an installation path to install SourceOP to. Verify that this is correct, and change if needed. Then click next. You will then be shown the installation information. Verify that it's correct and click Install. SourceOP will then be installed for the Steam user and mod you chose. Next you should join the game and run the admin tutorial. This is done by typing admintut in the console. Follow the instructions for the admin tutorial that will appear on your screen. This can only be done once and can only be done the first time SourceOP is run.   Manual Installation Download the SourceOP zip file. Extract it to somewhere easily accessible such as the desktop. Open the SourceOP folder where you extracted it. Copy the contents of the SourceOPgamemod folder to the game mod folder of the mod you want to install SourceOP to. Copy the SourceOPbinsourceop.dll file to the game's bin folder, not the game mod's bin folder. SourceOP should then be installed. Next you should join the game and run the admin tutorial. This is done by typing admintut in the console. Follow the instructions for the admin tutorial that will appear on your screen. This can only be done once and can only be done the first time SourceOP is run.                                

Copyright © by SourceOP - A Half-Life 2 Plugin All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2004-12-11 (11421 reads)

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